Hausman Technology Consulting offers a full range of conflict of interest analysis services to the federal government. and the private sector.  These include:

  • Financial Disclosure

— Analysis and review of Confidential Financial Disclosure forms (OGE-450)      

— Analysis and review of Public Financial Disclosure forms (OGE-278)

— Analysis and review of Confidential Report of Financial Interests in Substantially Affected Organizations (HHS-717-1)

  • Outside Activities

— Analysis and review of Request for Approval of Outside Activity (HHS-520)    

— Analysis and review of the Annual Report of Outside Activities (HHS-521)

  • Gifts from outside entities

— Honorary Degrees

— Widely Attended Gatherings

— Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act

  • Clinical Protocol Reviews
  • Waivers and Authorizations
  • Training Activities

— Lectures in all aspects of federal government conflict of interest ethics

Sample lecture slides from a presentation to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

Ethics presentation for  ONC Staff

This presentation was made to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology  (located in the Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services).

Ethics presentation for ONC Managers