Validated References from eSpeakers

"Dr. Steven Hausman presented another fabulous lecture to our A.S.K. (Adults Seeking Knowledge) students. His presentation was professional, organized, and included factual findings from research studies, supported by a discussion of how we can enhance our longevity while maintaining a high quality of life. His humorous slides not only entertained, but provided balance to the presentation. I especially enjoyed his interaction with the students and me, allowing us to benefit from his vast knowledge of the fields of health, nutrition, and wellness. I highly recommend Steve as a speaker to any group." J.M., COORDINATOR, LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE, MONTOGOMERY COLLEGE (VERIFIED @MONTGOMERYCOLLEGE.EDU)

"Dr. Hausman was the keynote speaker for an annual symposium we host every year. Our topic was “the future” which was perfect for his expertise and background. We thorough enjoyed the presentation, the information was fun and unique and allowed each attendee to interpret how “the future” might impact their own business. Dr. Hausman was easy to work with, provided clear communication and helped to make our symposium a true success. Thank you for all you did for our community as we look, plan and experience what the future will bring. I expect a few people will look back and say – I heard about this a few years ago from Dr. Hausman and it truly is coming to pass. So thank you."  J.H., FAMILY BUSINESS COACH, COLORADO SPRINGS BUSINESS SYMPOSIUM (VERIFIED @JANNAHOIBERG.COM)

“We could count on you for advice that was well informed and based on a tremendous wealth of knowledge.” Your research was “done rigorously and thoroughly.”R.C., DEPUTY DIRECTOR, NIAMS (VERIFIED @MAIL.NIH.GOV)

"Dr. Steven Hausman presented another fabulous lecture on March 27, 2017 to our A.S.K. (Adults Seeking Knowledge) About Technology students on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. His presentation was professional, organized, and included up-to-the-minute information and professionally prepared slides on topics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. His humorous slides not only entertained, but provided balance to the presentation. I especially enjoyed his interaction with the students and me, allowing us to benefit from his vast knowledge of various aspects of technology. I highly recommend Steve as a speaker to any group.".J.M., ADJUNCT FACULTY, LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE. MONTGOMERY COLLEGE (VERIFIED @MONTGOMERYCOLLEGE.EDU)

"I thank you for speaking to our IKF community on robotics and artificial intelligence. My residents thought your explanation of the usage of robotics was clear and your videos enlivened the subject. The audience felt optimistic regarding the future use of robotics and artificial intelligence in society after your presentation."  K.L., KATHARINE LIVINGSTON, INGLESIDE AT KING FARM (VERIFIED @INGLESIDEONLINE.ORG)

"Your talk “Disruption: The New Normal” was informative and thought provoking. New technologies, changing regulations and legislation, and people we work with and for, are all “disruptive” at times. Your presentation gave us all some good information to take home and use in our businesses to handle these “disruptive” changes."  W.G., CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, TSTCI (VERIFIED @TSTCI.ORG)

“Your mastery of the information coupled with the exciting visuals made this a totally engaging experience for the members of this class. There are so many amazing possibilities in the future with nanotechnology and robotics. It truly boggles the mind… You opened a door to the future that is truly exhilarating.”  K.K., CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM DIRECTOR, JCC OF GREATER WASHINGTON

“Dr. Hausman has consistently proved to be extraordinarily knowledgeable, and an outstanding writer, speaker and lecturer.”  K.H.F., SENIOR ADVISOR, OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL COORDINATOR FOR HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

“Fascinating lecture by a very highly intellectual speaker. I had no expectations that even came close to what he shared with us. He showed us a glimpse of the future which will come sooner than later. Outstanding. He held our interest and attention as if we were children listening to fairy tales.”  J.G., HEALTH SCIENTIST ADMINISTRATOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH

"I have attended a number of talks given by Dr. Steven Hausman on various areas of cutting edge technology. I have always been impressed with both his knowledge of the subject matter and the clarity and quality of his presentation. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a speaker to present a talk on technology trends for the future."  B.R., PRESIDENT, BIC MEN’S CLUB

"I had the pleasure of attending a presentation from Steven Hausman on nanotechnology, 3D printing, and bionics. It was a riveting talk on all of the latest technology in these areas, and was accompanied by a multimedia presentation. Steve was a very interesting and prepared speaker, and everyone I spoke with thoroughly enjoyed him. I highly recommend him for future presentations."  J.G.

"Thank you so much for the great hour you gave our Science Club members. I received many comments about how fascinating and enjoyable your talk was — even from residents who had not attended. The word was passed around that your visit should not have been missed."  W.A., PRESIDENT, INGLESIDE SCEINCE CLUB

"Your lecture was fascinating, knowledgeable, and, if I may say, quite entertaining! Also, the visuals were well- done and compelling. That, combined with your obvious mastery of the material and your remarkable public speaking abilities made for a splendid evening indeed."  S.L., AUDIENCE MEMBER, PRIVATE PRACTICE OPTHALMOLOGIST

“Fascinating lecture by a very highly intellectual speaker. I had no expectations that even came close to what he shared with us. He showed us a glimpse of the future which will come sooner than later. Outstanding. He held our interest and attention as if we were children listening to fairy tales.”  A.P.

“Excellent. I never thought that he would present all the technologies he did. It was fun and interesting. He stimulated our thinking of new science and technology”  D.L.

“Excellent. Very engaging and stimulating presentation. Many innovations I had no idea existed”  K.R.

“I appreciated the ethics lecture that was attached to the scientific technology presentation.”  S.E.

“10/10. Important information with a broad range of application that was presented in a very interest-catching style by someone that is truly passionate about what he does!”  J.S.

"Thank you for your interesting and informative presentation. You were extremely well prepared and your material was very relevant for our attendees. I’m sure everyone in the audience will be sharing many of your observations regarding the future with their colleagues, friends and family. I thoroughly enjoyed what you had to say and loved the videos you shared."  J.C., CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COSMETOLOGY SCHOOLS

Comments from testimonial letters:  

Testimonial Letter from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases “We could count on you for advice that was well informed and based on a tremendous wealth of experience” 

Testimonial letter from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology “Dr. Hausman has consistently proved to be extraordinarily knowledgeable, and an outstanding writer, speaker and lecturer.” 

Testimonial letter from the Adult Center for Education Seminars “Your mastery of the information coupled with the exciting visuals made this a totally engaging experience for the members of this class. There are so many amazing possibilities in the future with nanotechnology and robotics. It truly boggles the mind..You opened a door to the future that is truly exhilarating.”

Comments from evaluation assessments at our presentations:

“Fascinating lecture by a very highly intellectual speaker. I had no expectations that even came close to what he shared with us. He showed us a glimpse of the future which will come sooner than later.Outstanding.   He held our interest and attention as if we were children listening to fairy tales.”

“10/10. Important information with a broad range of application that was presented in a very interest-catching style by someone that is truly passionate about what he does!”

“Excellent. I never thought that he would present all the technologies he did. It was fun and interesting. He stimulated our thinking of new science and technology”

“I really liked the video clips. The new technologies presented were awesome.”

“He was an excellent speaker. He kept the audience interest”

“Great. Very Informative. So much stuff I wasn’t aware of but fascinated by!”

“Excellent. Great presentation”

“Very through and impressive”

“Innovative. Excellent”



“Lecture was expansive and fun”

“This talk was fascinating”

“5 on a 1-5 scale. ‘5’ is best”

“Excellent. Very engaging and stimulating presentation. Many innovations I had no idea existed”

“Expectations exceeded.”

“Lots of new and interesting ideas”

“Keep doing the same!”

“He was very knowledgable about the technology advances that are occurring.”

“I appreciated the ethics lecture that was attached to the scientific technology presentation.”

“Very good clarity, comprehensive, and well-informed (expert).”