Transformative Technologies in Higher Education (Posted 3/4/2020)

TechCast Profile (Posted 12/21/2019)

Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Many Medical Conditions (9/17/2019)

Efficacy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Musculoskeletal and Skin Conditions (6/6/2019)

What scams do speakers need to be aware of? (published 11/2018 in Speaker Magazine. This brings up a link to the article)

What Scams Do Speakers Need to be Aware of? (published 11/2018 in Speaker Magazine. This brings up a pdf of the article)

A Short Primer on Identity Theft  (published 5/31/2018)

eCommerce Trends in 2018 (published 3/7/2018)

Are Kitchen Sponges Unsanitary? (published 1/3/2018)

Can You Be Invisible While Using the Internet? (published 10/3/2017)

The Way to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy (published 6/14/2017)

Want to Be Healthy? Think Twice Before Eating Some Foods (published 5/29/2017)

Cybersecurity in Medical Practices (published 5/22/2017)

Drones in the Business World (published 3/30/2017)

Are Humans the Weak Link on the Road to Driverless Vehicles? (published 2/25/2017)

YInMn: Is this new blue for you? (published 2/6/2017)

Are Self-driving Trucks a Security Risk? (published /30/2017)

“Decellularized Matrix and Supplemental Fat Grafting Leads to Regeneration Following
Traumatic Fingertip Amputation”  (published 11/1/2016)

‘Internet of Things’ a risk-reward proposition for security professionals (published 10/7/2014)

Biometric authentication moves beyond science fiction (published 7/27/2014)

Regulating drones a daunting challenge (published 5/12/2014)

Proliferation of tracking technology reaps security benefits, sparks privacy concerns (published 3/18/2014)

Nanotechnology holds promise for security applications.  (published 1/13/2014)

Wearable Technology: Security’s Next Dilemma?  (published 12/12/2013)

Due Diligence and Emerging Technologies (abstracted from a presentation presented to the Capital Area Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors) MULTIPURPOSE ARTHRITIS CENTERS – A Ten-Year Progress Report  (11/29/2005) (Co-author)


Med-sense Speakers Webinar – Aging, Healthy Living and Life Extension (5/15/2018 registration required)

Panel Discussion: Where did winter go? on Hearsay with Cathy Lewis (4/4/2017)      Radio show on NPR – WHRO Radio, Norfolk, Virginia      My section begins at:  33:28 and ends at: 40:38    

Radio interview on nanotechnology with station KKZZ in Ventura, California on 11/14/2011


Quoted in: Nail Clinic: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (9/16/2019)

Quoted in: “From Avocation To Vocation: How I Turned My Hobby Into A Career” With Dr. Steven J. Hausman (9/11/2019)

Quoted in: ‘Tis the Season to Protect Your Identity: Signs of Compromised Security and Identity (Part 3) (2/1/2019)

Quoted in:  What You Need to Know about Tax Identity Theft This Tax Season  (3/28/2019)

Quoted in  ‘Tis the Season to Protect Your Identity: Signs of Compromised Security and Identity (Part 3) (11/27/2018)

Quoted in:  ‘Tis the Season to Protect Your Identity: In-Store Shopping Security (Part 2)  (11/27/2018)

Quoted in:  ‘Tis the Season to Protect Your Identity: Online Shopping Security (Part 1) (11/27/2018)

Quoted in:  The 5 Worst States for Identity Theft—And What To Do When The Sleuths Strike (6/6/2017)

Quoted in:  Faster Delivery, Stronger Security are 2018 Ecommerce Priorities (3/6/2018)

Quoted in:  Do Twins Skip A Generation? It’s Not An Exact Science (4/2018)

Quoted in:  NotPetya and Ransomware: 6 Steps to Help You Beat Hackers (12/19/2017)

Quoted in:  Important Takeaways From the WannaCry and NotPetya Cyber Attacks: The Top Experts Speak  (9/27/2017)

Quoted in: Vertical Farming (8/13/2017) Quote on page 8

Quoted in:  Is It Hard To Get Pregnant With Twins? Experts Weigh In (8/3/2017)

Quoted in:  Bone Strength (7/2017)

Quoted in:  NotPetya computer hack a warning to get serious about IT security  (7/17/2017)

Quuoted in:  Can You Improve Your Chances Of Conceiving Twins? Fertility Isn’t Easily Controlled (7/6/2017)

Quoted in:  What Is Phishing and How Has It Evolved? (6/13/2017)

Quoted in:  How to Start a Sole Proprietorship Company: 7 Steps to Success (6/1/2017)
kin: How Much Do You Need? (5/31/2017)

Quoted in:  Things you should never order at food courts (5/30/2017)

Quoted in: While the dust has settled on many office gadgets, outdated technology can still teach us a thing or two (5/23/2017)

Quoted in:  Foods healthy people never eat  (5/22/2017)

Quoted in: Curious contraptions of yesterday’s workplaces (5/19/2017)

Quoted in:  After wave of overseas attacks, WannaCry ransomware sighted in U.S. hospital (5/18/2017)  

Quoted in:  You Can Get Pregnant When You’re Already Pregnant  (3/14/2017)

Quoted in:  9 Things You Should Never Flush Down the Toilet (2/21/2017)

Quoted in:  What Will The Impact Of 3D Printing Be 20 Years From Now? (12/7/2016)

Quoted in:  A seat at the Thanksgiving table: Business leaders share the techies they’d invite (11/22/2016)

Quoted in:  37 “Healthy” Things You Have Permission to Stop Doing Right Now (11/18/2016)

Quoted in:  What will motoring look like 70 years from now? (9/7/2016)

Quoted in:  Experts opine on the future of autonomous cars  (10/7/2016)

Quoted in:  The Future of 3D Printing (9/25/2016)

Quoted in:  Cars of the future revealed by tech experts who predict virtual reality, ‘smart cities’ and self-driving vehicles  (9/9/2016)

Quoted in:  A New Blue that Saves Green  (9/16/2016)

Quoted in:  So Much for Retirement (9/7/2016)

Quoted in:  What retirement? 70% will work as long as they can  (9/7/2016)

Quoted in:  Can Humans be Trusted with Driverless Cars? (published 8/15/2016)

Quoted in:  Investing in Access Control  (8/8/2016)

Quoted in:  What will motoring look like 70 years from now?  (published 8/4/2106)

Quoted in:  6 Improved technology predictions for 2020  (published 7/2016)

Quoted in:  Is Your Refrigerator Sending Out Spam?  (published 6/29/2016)

Quoted in:  Printing a three-dimensional future  (published 6/5/2016)This article has appeared in a number of newspapers.  The above link is to the full text

Quoted in:  2020 – Imagining the world with exponentially faster connections  (published 6/1/2016) (Item #2. Robots will become ubiquitous in the workplace)

Quoted in:  3D printing: Innovation’s New Lifeblood  (published 1/27/2016)

Quoted in:  Technology in Health Industry (3D printing)

Quoted in:  How The IoT is Changing Physical Security (published July 2, 2015)

Quoted in: Transaction Trends (Nov/Dec 2014 issue, page 19, first column). Article entitled “Just Touch Me” relating to biometrics and payment technology

Quoted in:  Hotel Loyalty Rewards: It’s Easier Than Ever To Earn Points  (published 1/2013)

Quoted in:  YOUR GREEN VALLEY: Gasoline verses battery-powered: The road to efficiency  (published 2/10/2013)

My testimony before the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (10/5/2000) in Session II: Federal (NIH) Support for CAM Research (page 61)

Quoted in the book:  The Future of the Internet: Ubiquity, mobility, security  (June, 2009)      Pages 53, 198, 341 and 373  

Citation of my presentation on Emerging Technologies in Health Care at the National Nursing Roundtable (3/5/2009)

Profiled in:  New Web Site on Careers – NIH’ers Make Headlines at ‘LifeWorks’  (3/16/2004) Page 9

Referred to in:  Kington Promotes eRA at Annual Symposium  (6/10/2003)

Cover article:  Capture Images, Capture Savings (1/1/2002)

Quoted in:  Panel Says Lyme Disease Is Spreading Quickly (7/24/1989)


My profile on CEO Blognation about why I became a professional speaker (second profile on the page).

A blog on tankless water heaters in Unique Vanities by Steven Hausman (5/22/2013)  


Contributor to:  Things That Changed the Course of History: The Story of the Invention of the Typewriter 150 Years Later  (published 4/30/2017)

Book reviewer for Global Issues and Ethical Considerations in Human Enhancement Technologies